Foreign Policy:
International Organizations:
United Nations: I strongly support the United Nations. The United Nations is supposed to make the world “United” and not divided. The United Nations needs more funding from all countries in order for them to be able to accomplish its goals. The United States should not be the only country contributing a significant amount of money to the United Nations for the United Nations to be able to accomplish its goals.
The previous White House Administration had cut funding to the United Nations and has ensured that the United States withdrew from its Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Human Rights Council. I did not support those moves at all and I believe that the United States as well as the rest of the international community needs to continue to fund the United Nations and be a part of each and every one of the bodies at the United Nations. I am blissful that the current White House is working to reverse the previous White House decisions on those issues.
International Criminal Court: I strongly support the International Criminal Court is every way, shape and form. The International Criminal Court is a high court of last resort as for the prosecution of individuals that are asserted as to having been involved in the crimes of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The high court is in The Hague and was established by its founding treaty, the Rome Statute, in which was entered into force on July 1, 2002. The International Criminal Court only has jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for their crimes in which allows the high court to focus on individuals that are considered to be untouchable in certain regions of our world. I personally believe that the International Criminal Court needs more power and should not be prevented as to addressing atrocities that are being committed due to an imbalanced United Nations Security Council or world.
As far as the United States is concerned, I would like the United States to repeal the American Service-Members’ Protection Act of 2002 because that prohibits the United States from providing direct monetary assistance to the court and I believe that is unnecessary. I strongly believe that the International Criminal Court is greatly needed in our word as to combating atrocities that are and that have occurred in our world and I believe that the United States needs to support the efforts of the court as to fighting atrocities that are and that have occurred in our world.
NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between several countries in Europe and the North American Continent. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed on April 4th, 1949. NATO consists of a collective defense system in which member countries that are a participant to agree to mutual defense if they are attacked by a third party. As a part of my foreign policy objective, I believe that the United States and our allies need to be strong participants as member countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. I believe that the United States supporting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European countries supporting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization does equal a secure and a stable United States and Europe. I believe that NATO does help and should help European Counties grow economically, especially due to the importance of trade relations between the United States and countries that are located in the European Continent. Sadly, leadership of the United States has declined with NATO since the Cold War Era. I believe that a lack of leadership in NATO could potentially result in somewhat of a threat to European Security and somewhat economic influence. I am a strong supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization having strong leadership and I believe that NATO needs to always have strong leadership from member countries, including the United States, in order to sustain a secure and economically stable world.
Aid to Foreign Countries
I strongly believe that the United States always needs to be involved in providing financial assistance to countries whose citizens are in need. I believe that the financial assistance that the United States sends to other countries should sometimes go directly to non-profit organizations or educational institutions that have a primary purpose of aiding directly those that are in need, and not to for-profit entities or to some governments of some countries. Countries which do not attempt to take care of their own people or which have a reckless disregard as to respecting the rights of the people should not receive aid.
Climate change is real and it is not a hoax. Countries that are a part of the international community need to take action. I strongly support the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, signed in 2016. The agreement’s language was negotiated by representatives of 196 state parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in Le Bourget, near Paris, France, and adopted by consensus on 12 December 2015. Under the Paris Agreement, every country must determine, plan and regularly report on the contribution that it undertakes to mitigate climate change.
People’s Republic of China
I see and view the People’s Republic of China as being an extremely important leader in the world. With that being said, two superpowers, the United States and the People’s Republic of China, have and are continuing to engage in hostile acts against one another. This needs to stop. Countries should not be trying to destroy each other and should instead work together to make improvements to the international community.
The One China Policy of the United States: The People’s Republic of China is a unitary “sovereign state that is in the Eastern Asian Peninsula. I do not understand why the United States must have a “one China policy” when the People’s Republic of China is already one sovereign country. I believe that the United States must respect the People’s Republic of China if the United States wants the People’s Republic of China to respect us. The People’s Republic of China needs to respect the United States if they want respect from the United States as well.
I personally do not believe that the United States should have to have an official policy that recognizes the People’s Republic of China as one country when they are already one country. It would be like the People’s Republic of China having a “one United States” policy for the United States when the United States is already one sovereign country. I support a “one China” policy from a legality standpoint, but I do believe from a common-sense perspective that it is necessary to have to have a “one China policy” when the People’s Republic of China is already “one” sovereign country. The United States and the People’s Republic of China should be respecting the sovereignty of the other.
As far as Taiwan is concerned, I believe that Taiwan is not a sovereign state and is a part of the People’s Republic of China. I do not support the United States sending billions of dollars in military aid to Taiwan because Taiwan is not a sovereign state. I view this issue the same as if the People’s Republic of China decided that they were going to provide financial assistance or even military assistance to Hawaii or even Puerto Rico. Such an agreement would violate our core principle as to being the “United” States as in one sovereign country. The People’s Republic of China is one country and the United States needs to respect that
Countries Cont.
Afghanistan: Afghanistan as a country is something that I am hoping that the United States and the international community are involved in reforming and completing its once started reform initiatives and projects and taking part in non-started reform initiatives and projects. The government of the United States has been involved in limited nation-building in Afghanistan, in which has mostly centered around security infrastructure, rather than working on the economic and social infrastructure of Afghanistan. I do not believe that the United States or that members of the international community will ever be successful as to reforming Afghanistan into a more perfect union by solely or mostly working on security infrastructure of Afghanistan. I believe that the United States and the international community need to change their foreign policy stances on this issue.
In my opinion, I believe that it is pointless for countries to solely focus on the security infrastructure of Afghanistan while not having a major foreign policy objective as to reforming the economic and the social infrastructure of Afghanistan. Typically speaking, I believe that crime in which terrorism is a part of, occurs in parts of the world that experience the highest levels of poverty. Extremist entities will reach out to communities that are or that feel isolated from the world and they will attempt to give aid to those communities. A community that is facing poverty in a country will sometimes be targeted by extremist entities. Extremist entities will a lot of times attempt to offer the targeted low-income communities assistance. So, I believe that if the international community wants to help ensure the security of a low-income country is stable, I believe that the international community needs to make investments in the economic and social infrastructure of that country.
An example of an economic infrastructure program that I hope that the United States and the international community helps complete in Afghanistan is the Ring Road Project. I am a strong supporter of the completion of the Ring Road Project and that is something that I am hoping occurs. Sadly, the United States did not finish completing the Ring Road Project and I believe that the United States needs to complete the project for the stability of Afghanistan as a country and for the safety and the security of the international community. I believe that if the Ring Road is not completed, I believe that Afghanistan as a country will have a high probability as to failing. I believe that the international community cannot allow that to occur. Afghanistan as a country will be more likely able to succeed once the Ring Road Project is completed. An example of a social infrastructure program that I hope that the United States and the international community is involved in is helping reform the healthcare situation in Afghanistan. I believe that the health-care situation in Afghanistan is poor and that it lacks adequate resources that one would need in order to be successful. Since the majority of the people in Afghanistan live in poverty or below the poverty line, it has been reported that anxiety and depressive disorders are prevalent throughout the country. Due to the healthcare system lacking necessary tools that they need in order to be successful, a lot of individuals in Afghanistan self-medicate psychopharmacological medications. This is not good because self-diagnosis and self-medicating believed symptoms without the consultation of an individual with a medical degree can cause serious physical and psychological harm to the self-medicated individual.
To help address the healthcare situation in Afghanistan, the government of Afghanistan contracts with non-governmental organizations for health services in which applies to healthcare services in some areas throughout the country as it relies on primary hospital-based psychiatry services. While it is not necessarily a bad thing for the government of Afghanistan to have contracts with non-governmental organizations to serve in areas of the country that are isolated from the rest of the country and that do not have access to its primary based health care services, I do believe that the government of Afghanistan needs to break away from expensive hospital-based psychiatry and move it towards primary health care services. This is especially necessary because the majority of the people in Afghanistan are of low income and live in low-income communities. Psychiatric healthcare services in low income countries typically are in most cases if not in practically all cases afforded to individuals that are affluent. That is because there is a lack of individuals with medical degrees that are in low income communities of low-income countries. That is why I support the government of Afghanistan breaking away from expensive hospital-based psychiatry and moving towards primary based health care services.
Cuba: The United States currently has an embargo against the Republic of Cuba. I personally believe that the “current” embargo by the United States against the Republic of Cuba is currently unnecessary, illegal, is a waste of time, and has contributed to some measurable poverty in the Republic of Cuba. I therefore would like the full embargo that the United States has put in place against the Republic of Cuba to be lifted and to be abolished. So, I support the repeal of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Cuban Assets Control Regulations of 1963, the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992, the Helms–Burton Act of 1996, and the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000. Every year since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has passed resolutions condemning the impact of the embargo that the United States put on the Republic of Cuba. The General Assembly of the United States has further stated that the embargo by the United States against the Republic of Cuba was a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and does violate international law. So, I strongly again support the end of the embargo against the Republic of Cuba.
Cuba giving asylum to Assata Shakur and other human rights defenders: Their is currently opposition with some in the United States against the Republic of Cuba, due to the Republic of Cuba giving asylum to black human rights activists from the United States, such as Assata Shakur. It is my position on this issue that the Republic of Cuba should not comply with any extradition requests for Assata Shakur. Assata Shakur and other black civil rights leader were illegally and were unfairly targeted by the United States in the past, pursuant to the COINTELPRO intelligence program. I believe that it would violate international law for the Republic of Cuba to give Ms. Shakur to the United States and I do not believe that she received a fair or a just trial in the United States. Their is no legitimate evidence that Ms. Shakur is a terrorist or that she is a threat. Their is evidence that Ms. Shakur was targeted by an illegal surveillance program that was targeting black human rights defenders in the mid 1900s and that she was further subjected to torture and other inhumane and degrading treatment and punishment in the United States for being a human rights defender.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea & the Korean Peninsula: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the official name of a country that is known as North Korea. That country is supposed to be a sovereign country in which by law all citizens are required to vote. The United Nations, the European Union, Canada and the United States have imposed harsh sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for their nuclear program and mostly their ballistic missile testing. While it is well known that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States are not allies, punishing one country due to them being isolated is not good diplomacy. I believe that allowing South Korea or even the United States to continue to engage in the joint war games and only punishing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not good. I believe that South Korea, Japan, the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea need to peacefully coexist and that those countries should engage in peace talks equally and in a way that is fair and just.
As far as the conflict in the Korean Peninsula is concerned, it appears as if the United Nations Security Council has repetitively discussed and has repetitively issued sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It does not appear as if the United Nations Security Council has listened or understood the sides of all parties in which are involved in the conflict in the Korean Peninsula. It further appears as if the United Nations Security Council has overlooked the joint war games that have occurred along the border of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It seems as if the United Nations Security Council seems to be making decisions based on the domestic politics or the domestic political influence of a country that is a member to the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations should not be a place where the international body makes decisions based on the domestic interests of countries but rather on the interest of Earth as a whole. Just like the formation of the United States, the United Nations is supposed to be united countries representing the interests of Earth as a whole.
As a goal of mine, I hope that the United States, South Korea, Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will establish a healthy diplomatic relationship and will each engage in peace talks with one another. To help with peace efforts between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, South Korea, Japan and the United States, I believe that the joint war games that occur along the border of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea need to end and I would like to see the United Nations, the United States, Canada and the European Union ease the sanctions that they have put in place against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. I believe that the joint war games that occur are provoking and are a waste of the money of the taxpayer. As far as peace between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States is concerned, I believe that if the United States can re-establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba, I believe that the United States should absolutely be able to do so with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Intelligence & Armed Forces
The United States does an extremely good job at wasting money and failing to pursue its foreign policy goals in other countries. Reform is needed.
White House and DoD need to be on the same page: In the United States, it is quite typical for politicians to openly talk about their aspirations as to declaring war on another country or their want for the United States to enter into some type of an armed conflict with a group overseas or to send United States troops overseas. While that type of talk may sound perfectly easy to politicians, it is all but so. The United States has done an extremely great job at failing to pursue its foreign policy goals overseas, wasting money in the process, and entering into unnecessary armed conflicts overseas. This has lead to the creation and the establishment of extremist entities in some foreign countries. As an example, the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan are a total disaster and are an embarrassment due to the current status that those countries are in today. This is sadly due to some not correctly planning, mismanagement and some individuals not accomplishing their own foreign policy goals.
If the White House, at any administration, wants to use the Department of Defense to enter into an armed conflicts overseas or to even send United States troops overseas, I believe that they need to work on helping ensure that region that they are trying to reform is reformed fully. Failure to do so will lead to and has lead to the creation and the establishment of extremist entities. Political instability in the United States and by the United States has sadly lead to the creation and the establishment of current undesirable conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan. With a few foreign policy reforms, hopefully the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan will improve.
NSA targeting communications of world leaders: Every country in the world has spies. This includes the United States. The National Security Agency, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in a discipline known as signals intelligence (SIGINT). The NSA is also tasked with the protection of United States communications networks and information systems. With that being said, it has been well known in the United States that the National Security Agency spies and attempts of spy on the communications of individuals in foreign countries as well as the communications of the leaders of foreign countries, including those that are allies with the United States. I do not believe that it is appropriate for the United States to spy on the communications of the leaders of countries that are allies to the United States. Spying on our allies needs to stop and does harm the diplomatic relationship between the United States and allies of the United States.
Outer Space Affairs: Humans are not the only life forms that exist. Successful space explorations by astronauts that are shown on the television are not the only times that the United States has been involved in space exploration projects. Currently, a lot of people are amazed over the NASA Mars Rover that is currently on Mars and that has taken pictures on that planet. Almost everyone is under the belief that this is the very first time that anything involving the United States has touched Mars. This is totally and is completely incorrect. The United States already has had people on Mars, already has a base on Mars (to support some type of confederation), and has for years already been on Mars prior to the known NASA rover being on that planet. Their are classified space exploration projects that have been successfully accomplished by the United States. With that being said, I support the United States involvement in space exploration. I do also believe that the international community needs to work on ensuring that peace, love and stability are ensured on Earth and that no country engages in wars, conflicts or aggressive acts against each other in outer space.